
Monday, May 12, 2008

5 Easy Tips to a Clean & Healthy Bowel for a Real Woman on the Run

The President poops. The Queen poops. Brad Pitt poops. Pamela Anderson poops. If Apparition was an overall statement about the physical life and all things living Gourmet Foods might be summed up as, "If you personal injury attorneys West Virginia alive and you eat, you poop."

It would appear that the one taboo topic that remains hush-hush among women is the sworn secrecy of 'no-talkie-about-the-poopie.' It's the same unwritten rule that says, 'Nice girls don't poop.' Or stink. There lies the hidden belief. however another bar on the standards scale that women must meet. Must be hairless. Check. Must be wrinkle-free. Check. Must be odorless. Check. Must pretend I don't eliminate. Hmmmm.

Okay, okay, so you get the picture. If you haven't turned the page already, bear with me, car accident attorneys Mississippi is a point.

The media and health industry pummels us with current and constantly updated statistics and information about cancer, heart disease, diabetes and stroke, skin cancer and lupus. We are a society that demands treatment for disease and seeks pills and concoctions to 'cure' our symptoms. As Dr. Emily Roback surmised in her January 2008 wellness column, "We are currently experiencing a profound health conflict in our society. that conflict has two sides. On one side is a culture that focuses on disease control, rather than teaching healthier habits that encourages an individual to be fit and well. The other side is a small but growing culture that looks at the essentials of healthy living which guide us to a higher level of fitness and well-being."

We are now striding headlong into that 'small but growing culture' - a natural and holistic wellness movement. Mark my Buy Cialis Jelly (and if you've been an advocate of the 'natural path' for years, you may concur) the 'tipping point' in conversational acceptability among our pop-culture and media driven society was when Dr. Mehmet Oz, acclaimed heart surgeon spoke openly on the Oprah Show about the documented health benefits from receiving acupuncture as a viable complementary treatment option for pain relief. Her credibility and his, combined in support of alternative medicine will explode alternative health care into the spotlight. In quiet circles where naturopaths and herbologists aided the healing of the unwell quietly and were labelled 'quacks', there appears now to be interest in their ancient wisdom and abilities.

How does that relate to bowel health? We tend to be a blame and scapegoat sort of society. We aren't very good at accepting responsibility for our own role in 'ending up' where we are; sick and overweight. Instead of blaming the food manufacturers, or relying on doctors to save us or seeking naturopathy as a last desperate resort, now is the time to reclaim our health, while we are well. We are guided through fitness and wellness programs. We are encouraged to eat a balanced diet and quit smoking. Would open communication about bowel health and bathroom habits offer additional proactive health talk? After all - some believe the bowel is where illness brews.

In a nutshell here are five tips for a healthier colon, and in turn, a healthier you.

TIP ONE: If your food is bland in colour, it's bland in nutrients and contains little or no fibre.

Think white bread, crackers, chips, cookies, white flour and white sugar items, potatoes, white rice, white pasta.

TIP TWO: Know Your Fibre, insoluble and soluble.

Insoluble fibre absorbs many times its weight in water and swells up, pulling waste through your system. Insoluble fibre is useful in elimination and relieving constipation. Raw vegetables, fruits, seeds, wheat and whole grains are great sources. Soluble fibre breaks down as it passes through your system, forming a gel that works as a sponge, accumulating and ridding your body of toxic substances. Psyllium, Brown Rice, Oatmeal, Sweet Potatoes, Quinoa, are examples of soluble fibre.[1]


Drink six eight ounce glasses per day. Or is it eight six ounce glasses? Or is it eighty-six ounces? Coffee and Tea are diuretics. that means they deplete your body of excess water. What happens when your colon lacks water? Constipation. Tea can be highly constipating due to the tannins. Soda, alcohol and juices are high in sugars and diet sodas contain aspartame. Lactose intolerant? Water is the winner. A decent size glass of water upon arising, one mid-morning, water with lunch, one mid-afternoon, one with dinner, and one before bed - there's your six.

TIP FOUR: Pay Attention to the Signs

Have you been too busy to notice 'the urge'? Women are notorious for neglecting their natural peristaltic urges. You must become aware of the need to go when nature calls, then heed that call. Make the time to sit, your body will thank you for it.

TIP FIVE: An Occasional Cleanse

If you're drinking sufficient water and eating plenty of raw vegetables and fruits and consuming a psyllium supplement, you've got a good start on healthy bowel. Kids on the farm used to be de-wormed every spring and fall. Consider spring and fall cleaning, there are reported natural cleansing aids in the form of herbs that gently stimulate a safe cleansing process. [2]

[1] Sources:


Kim Brub is the owner and publisher of Real Woman on the Run Magazine. Kim is dedicated to validating and creating a feeling of success in the everyday 'Jane' who is balancing life precariously between family, career, community and volunteerism. Real Woman on the Run Magazine offers interesting and insightful information, real-life stories as well as valuable tools and resources for females of all ages. Kim shares her brilliant and creative 'real-life' anecdotes and 'wake-up-to-life' solutions through her 'Validate and Rejuvenate' speaking engagments, the magazine and the Real Woman on the Run weblog.